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SoBigData Articles

SoBigData @ GARR Conference, Venice

On November 16 2017, Fosca Giannotti gave her talk in the GARR Conference that took place in Venice, Italy.

SoBigData: Social Mining and Big Data Ecosystem: a Research Infrastructure for ethic-sensitive scientific discoveries and advanced applications of social data mining

The SoBigData ( is an H2020 European Research Infrastructure funded under the agreement 654024. SoBigData provides an integrated ecosystem for ethic-sensitive scientific discoveries and advanced applications of social data mining on the various dimensions of social life. SoBigData promotes repeatable and open science. Its mission is to support data science research projects by providing:

An ever-growing, distributed data ecosystem for procurement, access and curation and management of big social data, to underpin social data mining research within an ethic-sensitive context.
An ever-growing, distributed platform of interoperable, social data mining methods and associated skills: tools, methodologies and services for mining, analysing, and visualising complex and massive datasets, harnessing the techno-legal barriers to the ethically safe deployment of big data for social mining.
SoBigData strengthens research concerning the protection of personal data as a fundamental right, while at the same time boosting the free flow of personal data as a common good. To this aim, a Legal and Ethical board is established to the aim to serve all users of the RI.

The talk presented the SoBigData Vision, Goal, Organization and opportunities for researchers to be users and partners of this initiative.