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SoBigData @ the Paris Migration Seminar Series "Big Data and Migration"

On June 15th, a SoBigData group attended the "Paris Migration Seminar"with five talks given by Fosca Giannotti, Dino Pedreschi, Simone Bertoli, Luca Pappalardo and Alina Sîrbu. 
The SoBigData delegation presented relevant research conducted within the infrastructure regarding the migration of scientists, the concept of superdiveristy and the dynamics of city to city migration ( During the workshop, a group of economists provided interesting comments and perspectives, highlighting how the research conducted in SoBigData can have high impact on the community of economists. 
 The "Paris Migration Seminar" is a monthly seminar series organized by Hillel Rapoport, Alexia Lochmann and Biagio Speciale with the support of the Paris School of Economics, the CEPII and the Labex OSE,
Given the success of the workshop, the organizers proposed to repeat the workshop in Paris in two or three months, possibly by focusing it on other exploratories in SoBigData like the Well-Being&Economy exploratory.
The link to the event, with the detailed program, can be found here: