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SoBigData Event

AI-GAP | Algorithmic Biases in Artificial Intelligence from Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Pisa (Italy), 17 November 2023 
L’Aquila (Italy), 20-22 November 2023

The workshop addresses the social impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies that reproduce human biases and inequities.
AI gap aims to invoke an interdisciplinary perspective (sociocultural, technical, linguistic, political, philosophical, and legal), to focus on gender, age, ethnicity, and ableism discrimination and bias in AI systems, with the goal of fostering critical discussion, collaborations, and promoting awareness.
The event is structured around scientific discussions led by invited speakers, tutorials, and outreach events involving the local community and organizations.

As invited speakers, Antinisca Di Marco, Michela Natilli and Giovanni Stilo, members of SoBigData, will present insightful contributions derived from their work within the Research Infrastructure, closely aligned with the workshop's thematic focus.