SoBigData at Humane-AI-Net
SoBigData at Humane-AI-Net
November 17, 2021 14.00 - 16.00 CET
SoBigData++ project: an ecosystem for Ethical Social Mining - Roberto Trasarti - CNR (15 min.).
This talk introduces SoBigData++ project with the aim of putting in context the participants presenting the main objectives of the project and the consortium of experts involved working on the vertical contextes: Societal Debates and Online Misinformation, Sustainable Cities for Citizens, Demography, Economics & Finance 2.0, Migration Studies, Sports Data Science, Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Explainable Machine Learning. Part of this presentation will be the description of an ethical approach to data science which is a pillar of the SoBigData++ project.
SoBigData RI Services - Valerio Grossi - CNR (15 min).
An overview of the SoBigData RI services will be shown including the Exploratories (Vertical research contexts), the resource catalogue, the training area and SoBigData Lab.
Hands-on JupyterHub service and SoBigData Libraries - Giulio Rossetti - CNR (30 min).
This first hands-on session focuses on the libraries and methods developed within the SoBigData consortium. Code examples and case studies will be introduced by leveraging a customized JupyterHub notebook service hosted by SoBigData. Using such a freely accessible coding environment, we will discuss a subset of the functionalities available to SoBigData users to design and run their experiments.
Hands-on computational engine & technologies - Massimiliano Assante - CNR (15 minutes).
In this second hands-on session, the tutorial will focus on the computational engine provided by SoBigData. Real examples will be presented in order to highlight the functionalities to deploy an algorithm and run it on the cloud.
Responsible Data Science:
- Legality Attentive data Science: it is needed and it is possible! - Giovanni Comandé - SSSA (15 minutes)
FAIR: an E-learning module for GDPR compliance and ethical aspects - Francesca Pratesi - UNIPI (10 minutes)
Open discussion with participants - Moderator: Beatrice Rapisarda - CNR (20 minutes)
An open discussion to give more details on specific aspects according to the requests of the audience (not already addressed during the tutorial or presentations).