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SoBigData Event

Colorful Seminar Series: News and Emotions - 5° Seminar

Group Dynamics in Online Social Networks: communities and high-order interactions in time

Speaker: Andrea Failla


Pollution of online social spaces caused by rampaging d/misinformation is a growing societal concern. To tackle these issues, it is crucial to describe and understand group behaviors on online social platforms. In this presentation, we will go through novel methods and techniques to study groups and their temporal evolution, with applications to debates on social media. We will focus on hypergraphs — models that can encode larger-than-binary interactions — and graph communities — clusters extracted from network data — and highlight the nuances these structures bring to research on digital social dynamics.

Link for the online streaming:


The "Colorful Seminars: Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion" is an initiative of UNIPI to increase the representativeness of diverse groups and bridge the equity gap between underrepresented and marginalized communities. International experts belonging to different communities will be invited to hold seminars on the topics covered by the project to promote more diverse and inclusive participation in computer and data science events.    

The seminars will be hosted by the Department of Computer Science (also with streaming) or will be held exclusively online.