Visit the KTH Royal Institute of Technology of Stockholm, for research on data analysis techniques in Cognitive Buildings
In August 2024, using the TNA program of the SoBigData project, I visited the prestigious KTH Royal Institute of Technology of Stockholm, Sweden, and worked with Prof. Aristides Gionis and his staff on topics regarding formal approaches to data analysis for Cognitive Buildings and their possible application to problems of smart environments in general.

The experience was extremely interesting and fruitful. After an informal introduction and preliminary discussion, the visit aimed at sharing common research interests and expertise gained in the context of current research activities. The focus was on formal approaches suited for studying the so-called events of interest and discovering their occurrence and propagation. From this study, we derived a first draft of a graph-based model we considered promising and well-suited to identify events of interest in cognitive environments. In future work, we planned to polish, complete, and extend the graph-based model by investigating it in depth. A plan of activities was scheduled for the following weeks/months in the respective Institutes, as well as a set of online meetings to exchange ideas on how to exploit the model in real case studies and discuss possible common projects.
Needless to say, the TNA program allowed me to visit the wonderful and exciting city of Stockholm, which includes famous sites, tourist attractions, theatres, and museums.