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Challenge Us

An opportunity offered by SoBigData to companies who want to exploit the potential of data in their business. 

All companies are welcome to submit their innovative ideas aimed at extracting value from their data. Our researchers are ready to offer comprehensive big data analysis services to selected projects.


All companies are welcome to submit their project by 31 MARCH 2025

Fill out the form and send it by email to

Participation instructions: link

Download form: link

The Challenge Us 2025 will take place in two phases: 

    1. Companies will describe in detail a project or problem they intend to solve and/or the data they plan to analyze with the support of partners, possibly accompanying the proposal with a proposed solution.
    2. researchers will select the most exciting projects for which they will offer free advice by identifying possible solutions and will develop a feasibility study.



Call opening: 12 February 2025

Submission of proposals:  31 March 2025

Evaluation of the proposals and selection of the winners: 01 April - 14 April 2025

Notification to the winners: 15 April 2025

Development of the winning projects:  01 May - 15 September 2025 

Final event:  Early October 2025

ita Italian version



Michela Natilli, Giulio Rossetti, CNR-ISTI, Pisa, Italy

Raffaele Bruno, Maurizio Tesconi, CNR-IIT, Pisa, Italy

Giuseppe Manco, CNR-ICAR-BMSA, Rende (CS), Italy

Stefano Silvestri, CNR-ICAR-SLSAS, Napoli, Italy

Alberto Zanella, CNR-IEIIT-SRE, Torino, Italy

Laura Pollacci, University of Pisa, Italy

Giovanni Trappolini, Farooq Ahmad Wani, University of Rome, Italy

Michele Tucci, University of L'Aquila, Italy

Angelo Facchini, IMT, Lucca, Italy

Giorgio Rizzini, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy

Giulio Ferrigno, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy 

Raffaele Bolla, University of Genova, Italy

Gianni Pasolini, University of Bologna - Dept. of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi", Italy

Paolo Bellavista, University of Bologna - Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Italy

Daniele Croce, University of Palermo, Italy

Giovanni Schembra, University of Catania, Italy



2024 showcase

2023 showcase


How much time will the project development require? 

The project will be developed in maximum four months, from the date of proposal submission to the final presentation.


What will be the selection criteria?

A scientific committee will select the most valuable submitted projects, evaluating proposals based on scientific interest and feasibility. 


What is the cost of this service?

SoBigData offers the service to selected companies free of charge. SoBigData is supported by European and Italian projects that include among their objectives the dissemination of big data culture among various stakeholders, including companies and private companies.


How will company data be protected? 

The collaborative project will include signing a confidentiality agreement (Non-Disclosure Agreement) to protect information and data that companies will share with researchers. The results obtained in this activity will remain company property. 

SoBigData will assure confidentiality measures, such as the anonymized or pseudonymized use of data and secure transmission. The project's business-specific information will also be removed from public presentations within the SoBigData network. The extent to which any information is shared will be pre-agreed with the company. 


What are SoBigData's purposes?

SoBigData's sole purpose in this initiative is to disseminate the culture and potential of Big Data in industrial processes.