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Intensity vs Accuracy: Technical-tactical differences between male and female football teams

Women's football took its first steps since the early twentieth-century. Unfortunately, the ostracism from the English Football Association drastically slowed down its development, which experienced a long period of stagnation. Women's football resurfaced in the 1960s in the Nordic countries of Europe, and it is now spreading all over the world. From 2012 the number of women academies has doubled, with around 40 million girls and women playing football worldwide nowadays.

Self-Adaptive Trajectory Segmentation
Thanks to the wide diffusion of localization technologies and mobile services based on the positioning of users and devices, the availability of mobility traces is increasing fast in several application domains. Location-based services provided through smartphones are nowadays extremely popular and the vast amounts of data that this trend leads to produce and collect open the door to several opportunities of converting them into better services, economical returns, more sustainable cities, improved living conditions, etc.
Give more data, awareness and control to individual citizens, and they will help COVID-19 containment

The rapid dynamics of COVID-19 calls for quick and effective tracking of virus transmission chains and early detection of outbreaks, especially in the phase 2 of the pandemic, when lockdown and other restriction measures are progressively withdrawn, in order to avoid or minimize contagion resurgence. For this purpose, contact-tracing apps are being proposed for large scale adoption by many countries.

AI Breakfast - Covid-19: Myths and realities of tracking applications

The Council of Europe and the University of Strasbourg organised the 5th edition of the "AI Breakfast" in the form of a webinar on 16 April 2020.

Three experts were brought together on the topic of tracking applications on mobile phones in the fight against COVID-19. Michael Veale, Lecturer at University College London, Dino Pedreschi, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Pisa and Adrien Basdevant, a data protection lawyer, discussed the myths and realities of these applications.

TNA experience: Adaptation of online abuse detection algorithms to Spanish

Alex Bravo Serrano TNA's experience in GATE, Sheffield, UK

As the amount of user generated content in social media is increasing at an exponential pace, detecting offensive language and harmful content automatically in an efficient way is a very important issue for the society. The offensive language can be expressed in various forms such as hate speech, cyberbullying, profanity and harassment, which has negative effects especially in adolescents.

Real Time Epidemic Datathon

ETHZ and SoBigData are organizing a Real Time Epidemic Datathon

What is "Epidemic Datathon"?

It is a collective open source real-time forecasting challenge that aims at joining forces to develop real-time and large-scale epidemic forecasting models.

SoBigData in the Covid-19 Italian Task Force

The Italian Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digitization has established a new Task Force for the Covid-19 Emergency that includes several SoBigData participants.
The mission of the Task Force is to provide studies and analyses to support the Italian Government and the Public Administration in defining policies useful to contain the virus spread.

Link prediction on club- player-agent network in soccer

by Pavithra Elumalai, India

Spatio-temporal match data for Soccer Analytics

The largest collection ever of spatio-temporal data of soccer matches is made public on Scientific Data. A crucial resource for the developing of Sports Analytics.