by Ahmed AbuRa'ed from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
TNA @ Sheffield University
by Ahmed AbuRa'ed from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
TNA @ Sheffield University
by Gergő Pintér (PhD Student) Host: SoBigData.IT, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy
Dino Pedreschi has been interviewed for the Workshops to design a Human Centered AI roadmap in Europe, in the context of the Humane-AI project.
You can watch the full interview at this link..
What is your opinion on Human – Centered AI?
The ERC Advanced Grant XAI “Science & technology for the eXplanation of AI decision making”, led by Fosca Giannotti of the Italian CNR, in collaboration with the PhD program in “Data Science” by Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, invites applications for 2 fully funded PhD student positions (three years) to pursue doctoral research in the soaring field of “Explainable Machine Learning for Transparent and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence”.
Dino Pedreschi talks about the digital world on RAI Italian Television.
By Daniele Fadda & Luca Pappalardo
The Soccer Data Cup is an innovative initiative, unique of its kind, organized by the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and University of Pisa, two partners of the SoBigData consortium, in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR). The second edition was organized at L’Aquila (Italy) on 5-7 May 2019 and was totally dedicated to women.
SoBigData was at the BIGSSS Computation Social Science Summer School on Migration in Sardinia, Italy.
The Summer School brings together interdisciplinary researchers to work on seven projects concerning migration topics. SoBigData funded two travel grants for female participants in the school.
The SoBigData infrastructure with its datasets and methods related to migration were presented to participants in a seminar with the title: Big Data Mining and Machine Learning for Migration Studies.
La tecnologia è sempre più pervasiva, molti ambiti un tempo riservati all’uomo ora sono appannaggio delle macchine. Ci sono dei limiti da conservare? Delle regole da rispettare? Come deve essere organizzato il rapporto tra noi e le intelligenze artificiali? Al Wired Next Fest una serie di riflessioni di strettissima attualità, al confine con l’etica, in compagnia di Paolo Benanti, frate francescano che da sempre si occupa di bioetica ed etica delle tecnologie, e Dino Pedreschi, informatico dell’Università di Pisa.