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More women in STEM: Fosca Giannotti al Wired Next Fest 2019


Quanti dati produciamo durante una nostra normale giornata? Tantissimi: basti per esempio pensare alla posizione tracciata dal nostro telefono, che ci segue durante i nostri spostamenti tra casa e lavoro e via dicendo. Questa mole di dati può essere utile alla scienza per capire i fenomeni che li governano e rendere le nostre città più intelligenti e umane. Con un'attenzione ovviamente per la privacy di ciascuno di noi.

Fosca Giannotti interview @ Workshops to design a Human Centered AI roadmap in Europe

Fosca Giannotti has been interviewed for the Workshops to design a Human Centered AI roadmap in Europe, in the context of the Humane-AI project.
You can watch the full interview at this link.

Tha AI enigma

We work for a technological advancement that puts human beings with their rights and values at the center: a technology that guarantees respect for privacy and ensures the use of transparent and non-discriminatory algorithms.

The AI enigma

We work for a technological advancement that puts human beings with their rights and values at the center: a technology that guarantees respect for privacy and ensures the use of transparent and non-discriminatory algorithms

SoBigData researchers awarded ERC Advanced Grant

It is a pleasure to announce that 4 researchers of SoBigData, Marlon Dumas, Dirk Helbing, Aris Gionis and Fosca Giannotti have been awarded ERC Advanced Investigator Grant, an extremely competitive and particularly well funded Advanced Investigator Grants by the European Research Council.

Fixing Over-Connectivity

The functioning of many socio-technical systems depends on the ability of its subcomponents or nodes to communicate or interact via its connections, but high connectivity may imply problems. By removing or deactivating a specific set of nodes, a network structure can be dismantled into isolated subcomponents, thereby disrupting the (mal)functioning of a system or containing the spread of misinformation or an epidemic.

AMiner 2018: SoBigData researchers between the Most influential scholars in Artificial Intelligence

A wide representation of SoBigData and KDDLab is in the AMiner list of the most influential scholars 2018 for their outstanding and vibrant contributions to the field of Data Mining

Fosca Giannotti: an inspiring Woman in AI, Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning

In this 2019 International Women's Day, Fosca Giannotti, the coordinator of SoBigData, has been chosen by KDnuggets as one of the 19 inspiring women who lead the field in AI, Big Data, Data Science, and Machine Learning fields.

Congrats Fosca!