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From algorithms to artificial intelligence and robotics

Paolo Ferragina, Professor at University of Pisa talked about the themes of digitization and industry 4.0 in Florence on December the 5th.

With the professors Antonio Bicchi, he discussed on the relationship between people and machines, on the topics of automation and artificial intelligence and on the robot's perception of the world. The two-voice confrontation was moderated by the journalist Cesare Peruzzi, Director of Toscana 24 - Il Sole24Ore, and introduced by Albino Caporale, the Director of Activities production of the Tuscany Region.

Big data and alternative data sources on migration: from case studies to policy support

On November 30, 2017 in Ispra (Italy) the European Commission’s Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD) and the IOM's Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) organised the workshop on Big Data and alternative data sources on migration: from case studies to policy support.

Researchers, data holders/providers, policymakers and practitioners gathered to:

Social Impact Data Hack 2017: a datathon in Tartu, Estonia

A successful datathon was held in Tartu (Estonia) the second weekend of November 2017.

The topic of the datathon was the analysis of the impact of public investment subsidies on enterprise performance and their network structure in Estonia during 2011–2016.

There have been 220 participants, 12 teams and 18 mentors from all around Europe!

Lucca Nerd Festival
Big Data and Human Mobility @ Lucca Nerd Festival

SoBigData participated in the Lucca Nerd festival with a talk by Roberto Trasarti titled Big Data and Human Mobility. Roberto talked about how Big Data and social mining can be a tool that enables innovative services for end users or public administrations to improve the lives of citizens: Carpooling, Elettrificability, Demography (City of Citizens context), indicators of well-being (Wellbeing context) and collection of opinions and needs (Societal-debate context).

Big Data and its application in an interdisciplinary context

On October 11 2017 at the Data Clinic - European University Institute, a study day has been hold in the SoBigData research project. Current topics have been tackled on the one hand social aspects linked to the definition of health and quality education indexes, on the other hand, the study of social and political debates on social networks. It is clear how these two themes are linked and mutually affected. The goal of the day was to give a careful look at new studies related to the issues related to the use of big data by fostering an exchange of ideas and promoting a creative boost.

Computational Thinking: from algorithms to coding - Presentation of the book by Paolo Ferragina and Fabrizio Luccio

On November the 10th, at 3 pm, Professors Paolo Ferragina and Fabrizio Luccio will present the book "The Computational Thinking: from algorithms to coding" at the Pisa Book Festival.

Data Science for Society

A very interesting conference has been organized by SoBigData member, Professor Paolo Ferragina, within the Festival of Robotics that took place in Pisa in Sept 8 2017. The conference has been attended by two speakers:

Massimiliano Ciaramita, Google, and

Michael May, Siemens,

who talked about new frontiers of study on the Search Engines and on Industry 4.0.

The workshop was divided into 4 sessions:

The Ebb and Flow of Controversial Debates
The Ebb and Flow of Controversial Debates on Social Media

By Kiran Garimella and Michael Mathioudakis

This article has been originally published on


Big Data can be useful also in navigation.

We interviewed Alessandro Dedominicis, Big Data Director at Navionics.

Navionics one of the biggest italian telematics and marine cartography companies and collaborates with the University of Pisa and the SoBigData Master. “A couple of years ago, almost accidentally, we realized that we had collected millions of data describing the behavior of our users” says Dedominicis. Dedominicis tells the history of Navionics in the last two years, since the Big Data adventure began, and today.