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Ten years of digital social sciences

Reminiscences from the colloquium celebrating the 10 years of the RESET scientific journal

Charting content amplification through fake accounts and coordinated inauthentic behavior on Twitter

Authored by Michele Mazza (CNR-IIT)

Revised by Guglielmo Cola and Maurizio Tesconi (CNR-IIT)

Social media platforms are abused and misused, most commonly through fake accounts, giving rise to coordinated inauthentic behaviors (CIB). Even though efforts have been made to limit their exploitation, ready-to-use fake accounts can still be found for sale in a number of underground markets. In order to study the behavior of these accounts, we developed an innovative approach to detect and track accounts for sale.

Topics in Selective Classification

In this article Andrea Pugnana explores selective classification in machine learning, introducing a novel heuristic for improving classifier performance. He also discusses the challenges of performance metrics and highlights future research directions.

The predictive performance of classifiers is typically not homogeneous over the data distribution. This is a common issue in Machine Learning. In fact, identifying sub-populations with low performance could be helpful, e.g., for debugging and monitoring purposes, especially in high-risk scenarios.

female human neck
Emerging risk factors for recurrent and persistent differentiated thyroid cancer


Proper risk stratification of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) is essential to avoid both unnecessary diagnostic procedures in low-risk patients and clinical inertia in cases that may require more aggressive treatment (1).

Gene expression Partial Correlation in chromosome 4 COPD patients
Author: Michele Gentili.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex disease influenced by environmental exposures (most notably, cigarette smoking) and genetic factors. Genome-wide association studies have identified thousands of genomic regions associated with complex diseases. The chromosome 4q region harbors multiple genetic risk loci for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). To determine whether genes in this region are part of a gene expression network, we studied lung tissue RNA-Seq from COPD cases and controls.  

Design of a New Topological Approach for the Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions
Author: Leonardo Martini, Sapienza University of Rome

Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs) play an essential role in several biological processes. In many cases, proteins perform essential functions by interacting to constitute protein complexes. Identifying new Protein-Protein interactions is thus crucial in understanding cells' biological mechanisms.